
look what they are cooking up now

Started by April 07, 2000 01:36 PM
18 comments, last by cxi 24 years, 5 months ago microsoft has decided to enter the console gaming industry with the new xbox. this thing is power packed. there are only 4 screenshots, but they are good. damn good. the suifggested price is ... 200 bucks too. the thing is more powerful than my PC and my PC cost 1000! does this mean that microsoft will attempt to monopolize our gaming community too???? any thoughts, or comments? what does this mean as far as competition goes for those littler gaming companies? will they survive microsoft?? cxi The Code is a Living breathing entity, and will move in accordance with you, therefore, be one with the Tao of the Code..
The Code is a Living breathing entity, and will move in accordance with you, therefore, be one with the Tao of the Code..
(entering pure rumor mode)...I heard that the X-Box was going to be an open platform, such that anyone could develop for it without a license and the like. I think that would do wonders for little game companies who previously might have had a harder time hitting the console market (especially if the machine just runs Intel Win2K/DX8 code).
screenshots dont mean much. they could be taken at 1fps or so. i do admit the polygon counts do look extremely high, but then again it could be pre-rendered backgrounds, etc. that must be one heck of a custom built video processor. maybe better than a g-force...

- Moe -
If those screenshots are real gameplay, then holy #$*! That thing looks awesome! Like real life!

I dunno about the rest of us, but i am seeing if i can install linux on that thing Unless they burn all system info (etc.) into the rom (and they won''t unless they are extremely dumb) i will see if it is possible. It may not run games, but hey, if i can get t to work, ill custom build apps for me to use.
I have to admit, I''d be stunned if those screenshots were rendered in real time. However, the obvious reality of it is that that is a still from a pre-rendered movie.
If a man is talking in the forest, and there is no woman there to hear him, is he still wrong?
I understand that many of you are skeptical about the X-Box, but I think that it will rule. Sure, they do have the ability do do stuff like take the screenshots at 1 fps, but what could they do to convince you that it''s a powerful machine? I already know it''s gonna rock, since that was all done on the best chip they could get from nVidia (they still haven''t finished the custom chip for the machine). I think that''s a suped-up GeForce, but the real one is still being made (think GeForce and then some...). I have no doubts that if Microsoft can do it well, as they often do, this will be one kickass machine.


BTW, this has nothing to do with the fact that I''m currently looking into a job developing for the machine. I think it will kick ass no matter what.
"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his"
it''s a nice machine, i''ve seen it do over 90 fps on the "blue screen of death" (maybe it was a rendering of a skyscape?)

I do have to admit, they are _very_ nice shots. but i haven''t seen any dolphin screenshots yet.

some people think i'm crazy, some people know it
OH i believe the screenshots are 1 fps, and i agree that the system willbe platform independant. but think about the business aspect of it. Remember microsoft released windows as its operating system,and stole the entire market. now the world is using windows 98, and competition is crushed. what if that happened to the gaming universe, where we were all forced to use the xbox, because it had crushed the competition? microsoft does have a monopolistic past....

The Code is a Living breathing entity, and will move in accordance with you, therefore, be one with the Tao of the Code..
The Code is a Living breathing entity, and will move in accordance with you, therefore, be one with the Tao of the Code..
Do you know why Microsoft owns the computer software industry? It is because they released good software that everybody uses (if it wasn''t good nobody would have bought it). I am not necessarily saying I support their apparent goals of world domination, but the only way the xbox will crush the competition is if it is awesome and everybody buys it, not simply because Microsoft has lots of cash and ambition (though that will be a factor).

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