

Started by May 02, 2000 02:50 PM
1 comment, last by Landfish 24 years, 4 months ago
How does one traditionally go about aquiring a license from an exisitng comapany? Say I wanted my team to make a game based off of a very popular Table-top roleplaying game, as yet never published as a (current-generation) computer/console game? I would theorize that like so many other things, you write a formal letter as rep. from your team asking about the company''s licensing policy, then be persistant until you get a reply. But if there is an easier way, I would like to know. Thanks, Landfish Where does the Landfish live? Everywhere. Is not the Landfish the Buddha?
======"The unexamined life is not worth living."-Socrates"Question everything. Especially Landfish."-Matt
1. You need to put together a proposal that explains what you intend to do and how this will enhance/fit with their property.
2. You need to find out who deals with licensing.
3. Call them and SAY (don''t ask) you would like meet to discuss licensing their product.
4. Have the meeting, clinch the deal pay the money.

Dan Marchant
Dan Marchant - Business Development Consultant
======"The unexamined life is not worth living."-Socrates"Question everything. Especially Landfish."-Matt

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